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Community Showcase

Our Community Showcase page displays the innovative work happening within the Mitobyte community. Whether it's a personal project, startup idea, or open-source contribution, we want to highlight the best ideas. To get featured, simply present or demo your project at one of our events. This helps us ensure each project reflects our mission of fostering creativity and collaboration.


Creator - Ben Juarez

In this interactive story, you follow Nuyulu Tatukani, a powerful yet kind dark priestess, as she discovers a mysterious man washed ashore in the ancient land of Anáhuac. Tap through the dialogue to uncover their journey, encountering spirits, Mayan royals, and a looming military threat. Together, they must navigate these challenges to return the man home and prevent the kingdoms of Anáhuac from falling into chaos.

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Ollama Copilot

Creator - Derrick Williams

This extension integrates AI capabilities into VS Code, providing intelligent code suggestions, detecting boilerplate code, and offering inline completions. It also includes a Webview interface for user interactions with the AI, enhancing coding efficiency and productivity.

View Derrick's Project
derrick ollama project